Eek eek – the parcel!!!

It has arrived! One big and heavy parcel from Alpkit containing:

– One 80 m Fixe Roca Magma rope
– Four Dyneema slings of different sizes
– One size 1 Alien Revolution Cam

Backstage we are now working tireless on our “Gear Bank” page and data base which should be online by March (fingers crossed). Meanwhile if you are a member and would like to borrow any of this gear, please get in touch! If you are not a member yet: join us! During your 3 months free trial membership you can find out if this is for you or not, and our annual membership fee of £17 wont eat your socks off either.

We are currently still experimenting with the lending fee, but it will be very affordable, reflecting both the value of the item and the design life, so probably something between 1% and 10% of the purchase price. Ideas and suggestions are welcome!
Huge thanks again to @alpkit and @alpkitfoundation, who made this possible!

#Alpkit #AlpkitFoundation #GoNicePlacesDoGoodThings #unlikelyhikers#climbiungforall #hikingforall #weclimbuk

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