Black Lizard is a young and growing climbing and mountaineering club based in South London, founded in spring 2018. We love getting out into nature, especially to go rock climbing, hill walking and mountaineering. Club trips take place on a regular basis to a variety of great destinations throughout the UK and hopefully soon branching out abroad!
We want to share our love for the great outdoors with everyone, especially with people who may not otherwise have had such great access to these activities. People don’t need to have any experience to join, we will show them the ropes. We are always keen to meet new people and make new friends, so please check out our calendar and join us on our next adventure. When we're not making the most of the outdoors, members often meet up at indoor climbing walls throughout London

A gathering of Lizards at Bowles Rocks - 29.06.19 Photo: Kim Visuals
We aim to be a place where people with mental health difficulties feel welcome and appreciated. One of our committee members, Monica Smith, is a Mental Health First Aider. o if you feel like you need some more support, do get in touch with her directly.
In addition to our social trips we run sessions with children, called Junior Lizards, we have cooperated with local charities to facilitate climbing activities for adults with learning disabilities, and organised a day trip for young refugees as well. If you are interested to cooperate with us, please do get in touch!
For 2021 we have made it our aim to work towards putting life into our values which are Accessibility, Sustainability and Mental Wellbeing. More information will be soon available in our Mission Statement.
How you can join us
All you have to do is register with us, please fill in our registration form. Once we have received this we wioll get in touch and give you access to our Whatsapp group and Spond Calendar.
You can start with a free three months trial membership and then decide if you want to join us.
Membership fee (updated in may 2023):
Students: £25
Discount rates for under 18s/ unemployed: £20
Anyone who registers after 1st July: £18 (including 3 months trial period)
We are associated with the British Mountaineering Council and all our club members are covered by the BMC civil liability insurance.
The Committee 2023/2024
President: Monica Smith
Secretary: Justin Ho (
Treasurer: Duncan Pope
Social Media: Emma Cole
Safeguarding: Mona Hope ( and Monica Smith (
Technical Adviser: Alex Stone
‘Black Lizard’ Club Rules
Our club is committed to creating a safe and inclusive environment for all members. We do not tolerate any form of bullying, misogyny, racism, or other forms of discrimination.
We believe that everyone deserves to be treated with respect, regardless of their race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, or any other personal characteristic. If you see or experience any form of bullying, misogyny, racism, or other forms of discrimination, please report it to a club secreatry or the safeguarding officers immediately. We will take all reports seriously and investigate them thoroughly. We will take appropriate action against anyone who is found to be engaging in this type of behavior. We want our club to be a safe and welcoming space for everyone. By working together, we can create a community where everyone feels respected and valued.
Club members can book on to club meets by telling members of the Committee or using Spond.
Club members are responsible for their own safety and equipment, they are required to ensure that their equipment is safe to use; you are also required to be mindful of those around them and their safety. The Club accepts no responsibility for loss of personal equipment or injury.
Members must not misuse Club equipment, and must report all damage to an officer of the Club immediately.
Members and their guests are expected to act in a responsible manner where ever and whenever involved in Club activities.
Members may not publish any media appertaining to the Club, without the committees’ permission.
Members using their own equipment must ensure that it is in a safe condition, and must cease to use it when requested to do so for safety reasons by an officer of the Club.
Members must not use bad practice, and must cease to do so when requested to for safety reasons by an officer of the Club.
Under 18's must be supervised by their parent or legal guardian, or who should be aware of, and accept, the risks inherent in climbing and be responsible for their own actions and involvement.
For younger children with small waists and little hip definition, a full body harness is mandatory. The club do not provide full body harnesses.
Even as a member of the club, an Officer of the club may refuse the right to climb to anyone who they consider is not sufficiently competent or a danger to others.
Club members must pay their annual club fees as stated in the clubs constitution. They can choose to pay their fee from the date of their registration or within a three month’s trial period.
Our Safeguarding Policies:
We are following the safeguarding policies as set by the BMC, please follow this link to find out more.
Our Safeguardiung Officers:
If you have any concerns please contact one of our safeguarding officers: Mona Hope, or Monica Smith,
Our Complaints Procedures:
- All complaints regarding the behaviour of Members should be presented and
submitted in writing to the Secretary. - The Committee will meet to hear complaints within 21 days of a complaint
being lodged. The Committee has the power to take appropriate disciplinary action
including the termination of membership. - The outcome of a disciplinary hearing should be notified in writing to the
person who lodged the complaint and the member against whom the complaint
was made within 14 days of the hearing.
More about us

Alex, Glyder Fawr summit
Alex is a qualified Climbing Wall Instructor and Rock Climbing Instructor and Mountain Leader (Summer). With over 20 years experience in mountaineering, ski alpine, trad, sport, and ice climbing, he is passionate about sharing his knowledge with others.
He has founded Black Lizard and many of us have made their first outdoor experience under his supervision.
Facebook and Instagram: @astoneadventures
Monica, also known as ‘The Nourishment Ninja’, a personal trainer and associate nutritionist (ANutr) and Climbing Wall Instructor, juggles her passion for the outdoors with many other things, and has made herself a name as being badass bold. She is also trained in Mental Health First Aid and the person to go to if you’d like to have support.
For safeguarding concerns:
Instagram and Facebook: @thenourishmentninja
Whether it's winter mountaineering or trad climbing, Justin is always game to try something new. This year is his first in the committee and we're so grateful he agreed to taking up this role (okay, we might habve pushed him a bit), as we really needed a level headed Justin on board.
Amazing climber, adventurous artist and social media wizzard Emma has been in the club for a while now and often helps out on club trips. She is working towards her CWi qualification and the RCI will follow.
Instagram: @emmacoleart
If you ever come across some drone footage from our trips, they are from Duncan: He has an incredible talented hand for anything technical and can teach himself pretty much anything he is interested in. He started climbing with Black Lizard a couple of years ago and loves both sport and trad and a bit of rope soloing as well - always up for an adventure. He is working towards his RCI qualification, so watch this space!

Mona, somewhere on the Jurassic Coast
Coming from a Health and Social Care background, she is passionate about removing barriers for people from disadvantaged backgrounds and promoting inclusion. Mona is a qualified Rock Climbing Instructor and Countryside Leader, Climbing Wall Development Instructor and Foundation Coach.
For safeguarding concerns:
Instagram: @monapolona
Facebook: @monaloveslife