Date: 30.04.22
Destination: Portland
Type of Rock: Limestone
Travel Time from London: 4 hours
Weather: Suncream weather!
People on Board: Finlay, Duncan, Jonnny, Mona and Sam
It was Sams first visit to Portland but as an experienced scout member he exploredall corners of this beautiful space inbetween his climbs and took it all in, the sun, the rocks, the sea.
Finlay had worked on his climbing in the winter months and surprised himself how much easier he felt the climbs were compared to last year. And Jonny, his dad, had a go as well and ticked of his first outdoor lead climbs.
Cherry on the cake was the drone flight that Duncan performed, and is it a surprise that the drive back to London was all about drones? The kids were so fascinated and wanted to know all about it!