Date: 01.07.2020
Destination: Harrison’s Rocks
Type of Rock: Sandstone
Travel Time from London: 1,5 hrs
Weather: Cloudy
People on Board: Aisha, Alex, Dan, Jason, Mona, Sabs, Sonila, and James popped by with his dog later on
Black Lizards are out again! It was a mid-week evening gathering, and thanks to the unsteady weather the crags were not very busy, and we had the chance to go for the famous Niblick Route, which turned out to be just as good as we thought! For many of us it was the first climbing experience since lock down, and that made it even more special! Jason bagged is first 4b route, having climbed only a couple of times outdoors and Aisha managed Niblick with only few times of sitting in the rope.
This has marked the first of hopefully many trips or the coming months, so watch this space! Or better have a look at our calendar for upcoming events!
This trip was a great success considering the bad rainfall earlier in thee day. Also, if think of going try trousers, the sandstone gave me a few cuts! Thanks!
Thanks, Jason, it was great to catch up with you again!