Date: 27.09.2020
Destination: Harrison’s Rocks
Type of Rock: Sandstone
Travel Time from London: 1.5 hours
Weather: Sunny
People on Board: Alex S, Dan, Duncan, Mona and Phillip
The ingredients for a more than worthwhile day at Harrisons Rocks are, we suggest, six people and three ropes (and not too many other climbers on site). Aat least that’s how it worked out on our last social trip. It might have been the last warmish day at Harrisons Rocks, and who knows in these times, it might be one of the last trips before another lockdown (god forbid). Whatever it was, we made the most of it: We started from the back and ticked off (or tried hard to) about a dozen climbs, amongst them amazing routes like Bulging Wall (on Unclimbed Wall) or Shodan (Crucifix Wall).
Cherries on the cake were some spectacular drone shenanigans, and a bit of foraging on the way back.