Dear Black Lizards,
We just had an ad hoc committee meeting (virtual, of course) and came all to the conclusion, that at this point we don’t have any other choice than to cancel all planned Black Lizard trips until further notice. As things change we will reconsider and keep you all updated.
As for now we believe its best, if we all stick to the current social distancing rules and also to not take part in any activity that bears risks of injuries, as we all have also a responsibility to not put any additional and avoidable burden on our emergency services.
This is tough times and we all are into this together, so if any of you need help or someone to talk to I guess I speak for everyone that we are here for each other.
In the meantime please do continue to share things (both funny or serious stuff) that keep us all entertained!
Until hopefully soon
Alex M, Alex S, Inka and Mona